An interesting article on Matthieu Ricard, a researcher turned monk, suggests that meditation might act as a brain training exercise, helping the human mind to achieve superior levels of happiness and decreased propensity for negativity. One hopes more research is done in this area so that the exact mechanism by which meditation acts to bring peace of mind is understood, thereby helping the whole of mankind lead a more content life.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Converting twips to pixels and vice-versa
Here is a Ruby program to convert between twips and pixels:
# As per PostScript definition
def twips_to_pixels(twips, dpi, round = true)
raise "Invalid DPI" if (dpi <= 0)
raise "Invalid twips" if (twips < 0)
num_pixels = ((twips / TWIPS_PER_INCH.to_f) * dpi)
return round ? num_pixels.round : num_pixels.floor
def pixels_to_twips(pixels, dpi, round = true)
raise "Invalid DPI" if (dpi <= 0)
raise "Invalid number of pixels" if (pixels < 0)
twips = ((pixels / dpi.to_f) * TWIPS_PER_INCH)
return round ? twips.round : twips.floor
def numeric?(str)
Float(str) != nil rescue false
def print_usage_and_exit
puts "Usage: #{$0} [-t twips | -p pixels] [-d dpi]"
if __FILE__ == $0
print_usage_and_exit if ARGV.length != 4
dpi = nil
twips = nil
pixels = nil
[0, 2].each do |option_index|
option = ARGV[option_index]
option_val = ARGV[option_index + 1]
print_usage_and_exit unless (numeric?(option_val))
case option
when "-d" then dpi = option_val.to_f
when "-t" then twips = option_val.to_f
when "-p" then pixels = option_val.to_f
else print_usage_and_exit
print_usage_and_exit if ((pixels.nil? && twips.nil?) || dpi.nil?)
res = twips.nil? ? pixels_to_twips(pixels, dpi) : twips_to_pixels(twips, dpi)
puts res
# As per PostScript definition
def twips_to_pixels(twips, dpi, round = true)
raise "Invalid DPI" if (dpi <= 0)
raise "Invalid twips" if (twips < 0)
num_pixels = ((twips / TWIPS_PER_INCH.to_f) * dpi)
return round ? num_pixels.round : num_pixels.floor
def pixels_to_twips(pixels, dpi, round = true)
raise "Invalid DPI" if (dpi <= 0)
raise "Invalid number of pixels" if (pixels < 0)
twips = ((pixels / dpi.to_f) * TWIPS_PER_INCH)
return round ? twips.round : twips.floor
def numeric?(str)
Float(str) != nil rescue false
def print_usage_and_exit
puts "Usage: #{$0} [-t twips | -p pixels] [-d dpi]"
if __FILE__ == $0
print_usage_and_exit if ARGV.length != 4
dpi = nil
twips = nil
pixels = nil
[0, 2].each do |option_index|
option = ARGV[option_index]
option_val = ARGV[option_index + 1]
print_usage_and_exit unless (numeric?(option_val))
case option
when "-d" then dpi = option_val.to_f
when "-t" then twips = option_val.to_f
when "-p" then pixels = option_val.to_f
else print_usage_and_exit
print_usage_and_exit if ((pixels.nil? && twips.nil?) || dpi.nil?)
res = twips.nil? ? pixels_to_twips(pixels, dpi) : twips_to_pixels(twips, dpi)
puts res
Sunday, February 3, 2013
1/-1 matrix - problem #29 from Problem solving strategies
Here is the solution to one of the problems mentioned in the earlier blog post:
Problem 29:
Suppose contrary to the claim a1 + b1 + … + a25 + b25 = 0. Then:
(a1 + a2 + … + a25) =
- (b1 + … + b25) ⋯ ①
Now note that ai= -1,if number of elements having value -1 in row i is
even, and 1 otherwise.
Thus (a1 + a2 + … + a25) =
-x + y, where x is the number of rows
having odd number of -1s and y is the number of rows having even number of -1s ⋯ ②
Similarly, (b1 + …
+ b25) = -m + n, where
m is
the number of columns
odd number of -1s and n
the number of columns
even number of -1s
⋯ ③
Combining ①, ② and ③ results in the
equation (y – x ) = (m - n) ⋯ ④
But (y + x) = 25, the total number of
rows in the matrix, and (m + n) = 25, the total number of columns in the
matrix. Thus (y + x) = (m + n) ⋯ ⑤
Combining ④ and ⑤ results in the equality
y = m, which implies that the number of rows with even number of -1s equals the
number of columns with odd number of -1s.
Define z = number of
-1s in the matrix.
Suppose y is odd. Then, x must be even
and by original definition of x and y, z must be even (even number of rows with
odd number of -1s plus odd number of rows with even number of -1s, resulting in
even + even). If y is even, z must be odd. Thus parity(z) ≠ parity(y) ⋯⑥
On the other hand, by definition of m and
n, it can be shown that if m is odd, then z must be odd and if m is even then z
be even.
Thus parity(z) = parity(m). But this contradicts ⑥ since y = m as per an earlier equation.
Thus the assumption a1 + b1 + …
+ a25 + b25 = 0 is wrong.
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